Ritual Of Randomness
Winter has returned with a momentary flurry of energy (pun intended). The flakes fall and accumulate into a white blanket, creating a stark contrast to the crocus leaves beginning to pop out everywhere. Little green spears pierce the icy layer as if taunting, “Is that all you got?” They know this is only a remnant of winter’s grasp and the storm offers much needed moisture in the process.
Sometimes I wish I had the patience of spring flowers waiting for the sun’s warmth to increase in the seasonal transition. I have to admit to whining a little bit when nice days are separated by periods of cold, icy wind, and snow. If I were a skier, I would be jumping for joy at the extended season. It is all about our internal frame of reference. My age might also figure into it when my snow shoveling muscles speak to me.
The heavy amount of this particular snowstorm was not in the forecast, so it is just another reminder of impermanence. Understanding things change is very different than accepting the unexpected. How do we work with the energies of change without notice? This is the work of Dharma practice; to gracefully move with every precious moment in whatever the form, free of assumptions.
So, Tarn and I transform the moment of an unexpected snowfall into a game. The heavy frosting on trees is now being illuminated by the morning sun. It is quite a beautiful setting. We watch as the warmth begins to work its wonder by relieving laden limbs of their burden. Random wumps! of icy clumps hit the ground, tossing crystals into the air. We take bets on which snow mass will be the next to fall—like fools betting on the weather forecast.
Watching this ritual of randomness makes me laugh. Imagine if we were to live knowing it is impossible to predict the next thing. This is precisely what all the buddhas teach us because so much suffering follows our wish to control the uncontrollable. We might as well kick back and enjoy the show, remembering to act with love when the need arises—and the need always arises in every precious unpredictable moment.